2019 Sacramento Walk to Defeat ALS
We are so excited to invite all our pALS, cALS, family, friends and corporate partners to join us for the 2019 Walk to Defeat ALS, held on Saturday, October 5th, 2019 at Raley Field in West Sacramento. The Walk is The ALS Association Greater Sacramento Chapters biggest fundraiser of the year; a time and a place for us to come together and stand in solidarity to honor the courageous souls who are affected by ALS, to remember those who have passed, and to show support for the cause. When you walk to Defeat ALS, you help expand the programs and services that benefit people living with the disease across the nation and in our community.
Contact Stefanie Daniels at sdaniels@alssac.org or 916-979-9265 for more info
Saturday, October 5, 2019